Buckman Neighborhood Emergency Team
Statistically speaking, most of us in the Portland area will survive a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. However, our infrastructure will be a mess. That means we need to secure our homes as best we can, practice earthquake drills so we can survive the shaking, and then plan for how we will deal with the aftermath. We will all have a different role, so think carefully about who you are and how you will respond. Then plan accordingly. View the Buckman Neigbhorhood action plan here under 'team documents.'
The Buckman NET meetings are the second Thursday of every month from 6pm to 7pm in the Multnomah County Office Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214. We’ll be in room #126. We usually wrap up in time for NET members to attend the Buckman Community Association general meeting at 7pm in the Boardroom in the same building. Contact us with questions or to sign up for our email list.
Christopher Dorin - Team Lead - [email protected]
Statistically speaking, most of us in the Portland area will survive a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. However, our infrastructure will be a mess. That means we need to secure our homes as best we can, practice earthquake drills so we can survive the shaking, and then plan for how we will deal with the aftermath. We will all have a different role, so think carefully about who you are and how you will respond. Then plan accordingly. View the Buckman Neigbhorhood action plan here under 'team documents.'
The Buckman NET meetings are the second Thursday of every month from 6pm to 7pm in the Multnomah County Office Building, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214. We’ll be in room #126. We usually wrap up in time for NET members to attend the Buckman Community Association general meeting at 7pm in the Boardroom in the same building. Contact us with questions or to sign up for our email list.
Christopher Dorin - Team Lead - [email protected]